When monitoring for both intrusion and security events between multiple computers, it is essential that the computers‟ clocks are synchronize D. Synchronized time allows an administrator to reconstruct what took place during an attack against multiple computers. Without synchronized time, it is very difficult to determine exactly when specific events took place, and how events interlace. What is the name of the service used to synchronize time among multiple computers?
This is original file structure database that Microsoft originally designed for floppy disks. It is written to the outermost track of a disk and contains information about each file stored on the drive.
What is the name of the Standard Linux Command that is also available as windows application that can be used to create bit-stream images?
____________________ is simply the application of Computer Investigation and analysis techniques in the interests of determining potential legal evidence.
One technique for hiding information is to change the file extension from the correct one to one that might not be noticed by an investigator. For example, changing a .jpg extension to a .doc extension so that a picture file appears to be a document. What can an investigator examine to verify that a file has the correct extension?
A law enforcement officer may only search for and seize criminal evidence with _____________, which are facts or circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe a crime has been committed or is about to be committed, evidence of the specific crime exists and the evidence of the specific crime exists at the place to be searcheD.
You are working in the security Department of law firm. One of the attorneys asks you about the topic of sending fake email because he has a client who has been charged with doing just that. His client alleges that he is innocent and that there is no way for a fake email to actually be sent. You inform the attorney that his client is mistaken and that fake email is possibility and that you can prove it. You return to your desk and craft a fake email to the attorney that appears to come from his boss. What port do you send the email to on the company SMTP server?
You are assigned to work in the computer forensics lab of a state police agency. While working on a high profile criminal case, you have followed every applicable procedure, however your boss is still concerned that the defense attorney might question weather evidence has been changed while at the laB. What can you do to prove that the evidence is the same as it was when it first entered the lab?
In what way do the procedures for dealing with evidence in a criminal case differ from the procedures for dealing with evidence in a civil case?
Which is a standard procedure to perform during all computer forensics investigations?
When examining a hard disk without a write-blocker, you should not start windows because Windows will write data to the:
When setting up a wireless network with multiple access points, why is it important to set each access point on a different channel?
What is a good security method to prevent unauthorized users from "tailgating"?
Simon is a former employee of Trinitron XML Inc. He feels he was wrongly terminated and wants to hack into his former company's network. Since Simon remembers some of the server names, he attempts to run the axfr and ixfr commands using DIG. What is Simon trying to accomplish here?
Under which Federal Statutes does FBI investigate for computer crimes involving e-mail scams and mail fraud?
You are a computer forensics investigator working with local police department and you are called to assist in an investigation of threatening emails. The complainant has printer out 27 email messages from the suspect and gives the printouts to you. You inform her that you will need to examine her computer because you need access to the ______________ in order to track the emails back to the suspect.
Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) contain a code that allows tracking the MAC, or unique identifier, of the machine that created the document. What is that code called?
You have used a newly released forensic investigation tool, which doesn‟t meet the Daubert T
est, during a case. The case has ended-up in court. What argument could the defense make to weaken your case?
Bob has been trying to penetrate a remote production system for the past tow weeks. This time however, he is able to get into the system. He was able to use the System for a period of three weeks. However law enforcement agencies were recoding his every activity and this was later presented as evidence. The organization had used a Virtual Environment to trap BoB. What is a Virtual Environment?
As a CHFI professional, which of the following is the most important to your professional reputation?
As a security analyst you setup a false survey website that will require users to create a username and a strong password. You send the link to all the employees of the company. What information will you be able to gather?
You setup SNMP in multiple offices of your company. Your SNMP software manager is not receiving data from other offices like it is for your main office. You suspect that firewall changes are to blame. What ports should you open for SNMP to work through Firewalls (Select 2)
You are running through a series of tests on your network to check for any security vulnerabilities. After normal working hours, you initiate a DoS attack against your external firewall. The firewall quickly freezes up and becomes unusable. You then initiate an FTP connection from an external IP into your internal network. The connection is successful even though you have FTP blocked at the external firewall. What has happened?
After passively scanning the network of Department of Defense (DoD), you switch over to active scanning to identify live hosts on their network. DoD is a lage organization and should respond to any number of scans. You start an ICMP ping sweep by sending an IP packet to the broadcast address. Only five hosts responds to your ICMP pings; definitely not the number of hosts you were expecting. Why did this ping sweep only produce a few responses?
What will the following URL produce in an unpatched IIS Web Server? http://www.thetargetsite.com/scripts/..%co%af../..%co%af../windows/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+c:\