What's the difference between Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) and Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIP)?
ERC are here to define standards for the usage of Ethereum. EIP are here to improve the Ethereum Protocol itself.
ERC are here to propose new distributed applications on top of the Ethereum layer, while EIP are here to improve existing mining software.
ERC are an open platform to discuss continuous forking of the Ethereum platform. Successful forks are then incorporated in the EIP for further voting by the Ethereum Consortium.
it’s good to start with a local in-memory blockchain with unit tests but then deploy to the mainnet as rapidly as possible.
it's good to start with a local in-memory blockchain with unit-tests. Then, in the next step, debug and test the smart contract on a test-net like Ropsten or Rinkeby with beta customers to iron out last issues before deploying it to the main-net.
it's good to start with a test-net with beta-customers like on the Rinkeby or Ropsten testnet, before testing it locally on an in-memory blockchain simulation such as Ganache. Then deploy it to the main-net.
it’s good to use a push and a pull method to ensure that participants can get their money no matter the contract state. In addition to and pushing it should contain a withdraw method.
the amount of gas your contract deployment and transactions, against your contract, will need. This way you can essentially lower the gas costs over traditional web3.js dApps.
different Networks to deploy your contracts to. This way you can easily deploy to a local blockchain, the main-net or the Ropsten/Rinkeby Test-Net with only one parameter.
you can manage your secret API keys to the Ethereum Network. This way you can get access to several different Ethereum nodes at the same time without the need to switch your keyfiles.