Your System is configured in Network and your nameserver is Make successfully resolve to
There is a local logical volumes in your system, named with common and belong to VGSRV volume group, mount to the /common directory. The definition of size is 128 MB.
Extend the logical volume to 190 MB without any loss of data. The size is allowed between 160-160 MB after extending.
Adjust the size of the Logical Volume.
Adjust the size of the vo Logical Volume, its file system size should be 290M. Make sure that the content of this system is complete.
Note: the partition size is rarely accurate to the same size as required, so in the range 270M to 320M is acceptable.
We are working on /data initially the size is 2GB. The /dev/test0/lvtestvolume is mount on /data. Now you required more space on /data but you already added all disks belong to physical volume. You saw that you have unallocated space around 5 GB on your harddisk. Increase the size of lvtestvolume by 5GB.
Configure the FTP service in your system, allow remote access to anonymous login and download the program by this service. Service is still running after system rebooting.
Part 1 (on Node1 Server)
Task 13 [Archiving and Transferring Files & SELinux]
Create a backup file named /root/backup.tar.bz2. The backup file should contain the content of /usr/local and should be zipped with bzip2 compression format.
Furthermore, ensure SELinux is in enforcing mode. If it is not, change SELinux to enforcing mode.
Part 2 (on Node2 Server)
Task 5 [Managing Logical Volumes]
Add an additional swap partition of 656 MiB to your system. The swap partition should automatically mount when your system boots
Do not remove or otherwise alter any existing swap partition on your system
Create a user named alex, and the user id should be 1234, and the password should be alex111.
Create a collaborative directory/home/admins with the following characteristics:
Group ownership of /home/admins is adminuser
The directory should be readable, writable, and accessible to members of adminuser, but not to any other user. (It is understood that root has access to all files and directories on the system.)
Files created in /home/admins automatically have group ownership set to the adminuser group
Part 1 (on Node1 Server)
Task 9 [Managing Files from the Command Line]
Search the string nologin in the /etc/passwd file and save the output in /root/strings
Install the appropriate kernel update from
The following criteria must also be met:
The updated kernel is the default kernel when the system is rebooted
The original kernel remains available and bootable on the system
Add a new logical partition having size 100MB and create the data which will be the mount point for the new partition.
Add a swap partition.
Adding an extra 500M swap partition to your system, this swap partition should mount automatically when the system starts up. Don't remove and modify the existing swap partitions on your system.
Create a volume group, and set 16M as a extends. And divided a volume group containing 50 extends on volume group lv, make it as ext4 file system, and mounted automatically under /mnt/data.
Part 1 (on Node1 Server)
Task 5 [Controlling Access to Files with ACLs]
Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp. Configure the following permissions on /var/tmp/fstab.
The file /var/tmp/fstab is owned by root user
The file /var/tmp/fstab is belongs to the root group
The file /var/tmp/fstab should be executable by anyone
The user harry is able to read and write on /var/tmp/fstab
The user natasha can neither read or write on /var/tmp/fstab
All other users (Current or future) have the ability to read /var/tmp/fstab
Configure your system so that it is an NTP client of