HarmonyOS's AI capability provides the function of generating QR codes, for example, if you need to generate a QR code for each mobile phone contact, which of the following describes the QR code correctly?
A developer now needs to make a motion track recording application, which can report the user's location information in real time. Which of the following is correct?
After a developer completesthe development of a Harmony OS application, it needs to be published to AppGallery
A developer defines an entity class Student.java and uses the following code to construct a teaching table:
Entity(tableName="student",ignoredColums =["ignoredColumn1"," ignoredColumn2", indices =(@Index(value =("firstName." ,"lastName",name="name_index", unique = true)))
Public class User extends OrmObject{
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate= true)
Private Integer userld;
Private String firstName;
Private String lastName;
Private int age;
Private double balance;
Private int ignoredColumnl;
Private int ignoredColumn2;
Which of the following descriptions of this code is wrong?
The distributed soft bus is the base for communication between various devices, which of the following does not belong to the bus hub of the distributed soft bus?
Which of the following products belongs to the security products in the smart homeecology?
A developer is developing a ticket booking application, in the selection of the location of the ticket, you need to use the slide selector Picker, in order to highlight the selected text, the developer sets the rendering effect that the selected text margin is greater thanthe ordinary text margin. Which of the following settings are correct?
When a developer uses Page Ability to open a ServiceAbility, he needs to pass parameters through Intent, at what stage is the parameter obtained in the whole process null?
onStart( ) in A S ervice.
When the system creates a page instance for the first time, which method will be called?
WhenthePage of Harmony OS executes the onForeground() callback, which of the following states will the Page return to first?
The user migrates the video on the mobile phone to the smart screen for playback, and after the mobile phone saves the data, the smart screen calls back which of the following methods does the user recover the data?
In order to cope with complex application business logic, a developer needs to create multiple threads to perform multiple tasks. In this case, the code is complex and difficult to maintain, and the interaction between tasks and threads becomes more complex. To solve this problem, which of the following interfaces can the developer use to distribute different tasks?
HarmonyOSsupports developers to customize permissions in the "reqPermissions" field to access permission-protected objects
The logs queried by a developer are as follows. HiLog.warn(LABEL, "Failed to visit %(private) s,reason:%(public}d.",url, exrno); What kind of level does the log belong to?
The user migrates the video on the mobile phone to the smart screen for playback, and after the mobile phone saves the data, the smart screen calls back which of the following methods is used to recover the data?
Both the provider and user of DataAbility use a URI (UnifomResourceldentifier) to identify a specific data, and the format of the URI is as follows:
Scheme://[authority]/[path][? query][#fragment]
Which is the correct URI description in the cross-device scenario and the local device scenario?
A developer obtains a log content: static final HiLogLabel LABEL = new HiLogLabe1 (HiLog.LOG_APP,0x00201,"MY_TAG");
Which of the following information can't be obtained?
Developers will use the UI framework provided by Harmony OS when developing mobile phone pages, which of the following is not a UI framework?
A HarmonyOSuser downloads and installs a new app that has declared some non-sensitive permissions in the config.json file, and the app may involve some sensitive permissions during operation. Which of the following is correct in this scenario?
TaskDispatcher is the basic interface for Ability to distribute tasks, which hides the implementation details of the thread where the task is located. To ensure that the application is more responsive, we respond to the priority of the design task, which of the following is not the priority of the task?
In the declarative development paradigm, which of the following decorator decorated state variables needs to be initialized locally, and the initialized value can be overridden by the construction parameters?
What lifecycle processes will be triggered when a developer creates a Page instance and lets the instance be displayed in the foreground?
A HarmonyOS developerdevelops an application based on distributed data services, and the developer uses device A, device B, and device C to test the functionality of the application in a distributed scenario. In the test, after device A successfully adds, deletes, and modifies data, device B and device C cannot read the updated data immediately, but after a certain time window, the data of the three devices will reach the same state. In the preceding scenario, what kind of consistency does the application conform to in a distributed database?
When a user is traveling by car, a navigation route is planned on the mobile phone, and after getting into the car, the user migrates the mobile phone navigation to the large screen of the car machine. In this scenario, which interface is used to implement cross-device migration?
How to realize distributed communication betweentwo existing Harmony OS devices?
If a HarmonyOS developerhas developed multiple applications and ensured that the data between different applications cannot be accessed through the triplet of account, application, and database, which of the following services can the developer use to achieve this function?
If a developer wants to use the HarmonyOS speech recognition function, which of the following subsystems will he use?
When I use the interface to set the system time in HarmonyoS, which of the following is the smallest time unit?
If a UI is no longer visible to the user, but you don't want to destroy it, which method will the system call to release the corresponding resources?
Which of the following modules provides an E2E encrypted channel in the HarmonyOS streaming architecture to provide a secure cross-terminal transmission mechanism for user applications?
Inwhat form will the application package of Harmony OS be released and put on the shelves?
How do I define the permissionscorrectly when a developer needs to customize the permissions for a third-party application forHarmony OS?
If an engineer needs to determine whether a device supports the corresponding decoder of the specified MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), which of the following interfaces should be selected?
In the process of coding, software development engineers need to detect whether the Butfer data is read and whether an exception occurs, which of the following methods can be called?
Which of the following subsystems is not part of the basic software service subsystem of HarmonyoS?
Which of the following descriptions of the HarmonyOSclipboard function is correct?
When the system destroys a page, which of the following callback methods will be triggered?
How do I define the permissionscorrectly when a developer needs to customize the permissions for the Harmony OS third-party application?
If a developer wants to develop a page with a tab function, the developer can use theTabList component provided by HarmomyOS. If you want to set the horizontal center alignment of text, which of the following codes is correct?
Which of the following subsystems does a developer use when using the facial recognition feature of HarmonyOS?
If there are 3 Ability sharing a Service instance, how can I exit the Service instance?
When a developer needs to create a Service Ability when developing a background service, which of the following processes is NOT the step to create the Ability?
If a developer wants to develop a page with a tab function, the developer can use the TabList component provided by HarmonyOS. If you want to set the color of unchecked text to black. Which of the following codes is correct?
After the user migrates the navigation of the mobile phone to the smart watch, if the smart watch needs to obtain the data transmitted from the mobile phone, which of the following methods should it be obtained?
When a developer adds a Harmony OS app on the AppGallery web page, which platform does the developer need to choose to add the app?
A developer tries to update the text of Text directly in a non-UI thread, but the update fails, how to solve the problem of updating the UI of the non-UI thread in HarmomyOS??
If a developer wants to develop a page with a tab function, the developer can use the TabList component provided by HarmonyOS. If you want to set the selected tab to be marked by underlining at the bottom, which of the following codes is correct?
When a developer needs to specify the exact coordinates of the x-axis and y-axis of a sub-component when laying out a component, which layout can be used to achieve this function?
Suppose that multiple AbilitySlice are associated in MainAbility, and multiple AbilitySlice are switched in the same page, the lifecycle of MainAbility and all AbilitySlice is synchronized.
When a developer has multiple versions of the object-relational mapping database, and the developer calls the BookStoreUpgrade class to upgrade the database version, the version number of the BookStoreUpgrade class is configured as "2", and the actual version number of the current BookStore.db is "1".
HarmonyOS provides access to external storage devices, such as USB flash drives, SD cards, etc.
The MainAbility of a HarmonyOS application has multiple AbilitySlices, and when the AbilitySlice health state is switched, the MainAbility state is INACTIVE.
A HarmonyOS developer uses syncDispatch to synchronously dispatch tasks when developing applications. In this scenario, syncDispatch dispatches the task and waits for the task to complete on the current thread, so the current thread is not blocked until it returns.
In the Javascript UI framework, to realize the jump between pages, you need to specify the uri in the page routing router to find the target page.
Lightweight data storage is suitable for data storage involving a large number of data relationships and business relationships, and has better read and write performance than relational databases and object-relational mapping databases.
When a developer develops an application based on HarmonyOS, the data used by a developer can be decomposed into multiple objects. The developer needs to add, delete, modify, and check the teaching data, but does not want to write overly complex SQL statements. In this scenario, the developer can use an object-relational mapping database to process the data.
A Page Instance can contain a group of related pages, and each page is represented by an AbilitySlice instance.
In order to improve the image quality of network source images, developers can use the Instant Messaging (IM) class intent recognition interface provided by HarmoyOS.
HarmonyOS developers can use the "chos. Permission.CET_NET7ORK_INFO request permission to Modify Network Connection Status.
When developing HarmonyOS applications, if the client and server need to communicate across processes, you can use idl to define programming interfaces that are recognized by both.
A developer wants to use macOS for HarmonyOS application development, but the development tool DevEco Studio does not support macOS installation.
When a developer starts a music player on a remote device, he or she may not fill inthe Deviceld of the remote device.
HAR (HarmonyOS Ability Resources) is different from HAP (HarmonyOS Ability Package) in that HAR cannot be installed and run on devices independently, and can only be referenced as dependencies of application modules.
The object relational mapping database mainly provides light-grade Key-Value exploration, which supports local applications to store less data, and the data is stored in local files and also loaded in memory, so the access speed is faster and more efficient.
With the help of HarmonyOS's Al capability, it can detect and recognize the text of image sources such as document remakes and street view reproductions, and can also be integrated into other applications to provide text detection and recognition functions, and provide translation, search and other related services based on therecognition results. This is by taking advantage of the super-resolution of text and images in AI.
In a HarmonyOS application, there must be one and only one HAP of the feature type.
Before starting the debugging of the Entry module, the engineer needs to check whether the "visible" attribute exists in the config.jsnabilities array in the config.jsnabilities file under the Entry module, and if it does not exist, it needs to be added manually, otherwise the debugging of the Entry module cannot enter the breakpoint.
An engineer uses a simulator to debug a HarmonyOS application, which can support two types of HAP: signed and unsigned HAP (Harmomy0S Ability Package).
In multiple distributed devices with the same HarmonyOS account, after logging in to an app, the app can synchronize the app account authentication information (account name, token or other) to other devices as needed.
In the HarmonyOS system architecture, the distributed data management module belongs to the framework layer.
HarmonyOS's Data Ability is used to provide an interface for operation data, but cannot provide file-related operations.
Sampling refers to the process of sampling a digital signal in a continuous time domain at certain time intervals to obtain a discrete signal in the discrete time domain.
On the basis of the supported input events, HarmonyOS's multi-dimensional input defines some input actions commonly used by users as a set of standardized events, maps the input events of different input devices to the standardized events, and can obtain a unified experience when using multiple input devices to operate different terminal devices or applications.
AR (HarmonyOSAbilityResources) Different HAPs (HarmonyOSAbilityPackage), HAR cannot be installed and run on the device independently, and can only be referenced as a dependency of the application module.
If a developer wants to develop a file background download function, there needs to be a Page Ability to provide U pages, and a Service Ability to provide the background file download function. If you want to perform some operations after connecting to the Service Ability in the Page Ability, you need to implement the onAbilityConnectDone() method in the Page Ability.
A Page Ability (hereinafter referred to as a "Page") may consist of one or more AbilitySlice, which refers to the sum of a single page of an application and its controllogic.
A developer needs to use the JavaScript UI framework to display the bar chart of the current month's product sales, and can use the chart component to achieve this function.
The atomic service consists of one or more HAP packets, andone HAP packet corresponds to one FA or one PA. Each FA or PA can be operated independently to perform 1 specific function.
MATCH_CONTENT indicates that the component size will expand to the maximum allowed by the parent component and occupy the remaining size in the direction of the parent component
Sampling refers to the process of sampling a digital signal in a continuous time domain at certain time intervals to obtain a discrete signal in the discrete time domain.
When a developer starts a music player on a remote device, he or she may not fill in the Deviceld of the remote device.
If a developer wants to develop a file background download function, there needs to be a Page Ability to provide UI pages, and a ServiceAbility to provide a background file download function. If you want to perform some operations in the Service Ability after connecting to the Service Ability in the Page Ability, you need to implement the onConnect() method in the Service Ability.
The ListContainer grid layout can be realized through the setLayoutManager() method
HarmonyOS's distributed soft bus enables distributed management of application data and user data.
Operations such as the display and update of the UI interface are carried out on the main thread, so the main thread is also called the UI thread.
HarmonyOS supports entity recognition, which can highlight relevant entity information and set up quick operation entrances. For example, the phone number in this message will be highlighted, and the user can dial it directly.
In DevEco Studio, engineers can log in to the emulator after passing the real-name authentication of their HUAWEI ID.
Frame rate is the frequency (rate) at which a bitmap image appears continuously on a display in frames, measured in hertz (Hz).
The lightweight preference database is a non-relational database, which mainly provides lightweight key-value operations and supports local applications to store a large amount of data. If a HarmonyOS developer uses a lightweight preference database to save data, the data will be stored in a local file and will not be loaded into memory.
After the page is jumped or overwritten, it will enter the INACTIVE state, but the resources will not be released, and when the page switches back to the ACTIVE state, the click event will still respond normally.
Distributed data services can isolate data belonging to different applications to ensure that data between different applications cannot be accessed to each other through distributed data services.
The application package names of the application projects created by JavaSaript and the applications compiled by the Java projects are HAR (HarmonyOS Ability Resources) and HAP (HarmonyOS Ability Package), respectively.
When a time-consuming operation needs to be performed in a HarmonyOS application, it is preferable to create subthreads in FA instead of creating subthreads in Service.
When developing the list component in the JavaScript UI framework, you can use the data of the Map type to dynamically bind the data.
An engineer uses the WLAN P2P function, and the engineer can establish a P2P group.
A developer needs to make a list of the minimum necessary permissions for the application he develops. If the minimum necessary permissions list is output correctly, the lack of one of these permissions will cause the application-related services to be unable to implement or run normally.
In HarmonyOS, both relational databases and object-relational mapping databases can use SQL statements to manipulate databases.
If a third-party application has registered the callback of the airplane mode setting item in advance, when the user modifies the airplane mode status of the terminal through the system settings, the application will detect the change of this setting item and adapt it. If the airplane mode is detected to be turned off, the app will go offline, and if the airplane mode is detected and turned on, the app will recapture the online data.
A developer needs to read the resource file in the rawfile folder, and the following code can be used to read it successfully.
Image.setPixelMap (ResourceTable.Media hawei);
When testing the Bluetooth Low Energy feature of HarmonyOS, a developer needs to make the central device perform Bluetooth scanning. Which of the following descriptions of the developer's actions are correct?
What are the following scenarios that belong to the public events of the system?
In order to solve the problem of safety risks when walking or cycling, a travel navigation company uses HarmoryOS to push mobile navigation reminders to its watch.
The main function of EventHandler is to deliver InnerEvent events or Runnable tasks to other threads for processing.
Which of the following subsystem sets are included in the basic capability subsystem of the HarmonyOS system architecture?
A developer is using CommonEventData to encapsulate information about ordered public events for data processing when publishing, distributing, and receiving. What do I need to pay attention to when developing?
A developer uses the JavaScript UI framework's swiper sliding container to develop a banner scrolling effect, which are the correct items in the following description of the swiper code?
indicator="true"autoplay="true"interval="2000" loop="true"digital="false">
The network management module of HarmonyOS provides a data networkmanagement function, which can effectively manage HTTP caches to reduce data traffic.
Which of the following descriptions of the global concurrent task distributor and the concurrent task distributor is correct?
To publish an app, a HarmonyOS developer needs to use a certificate request file (Cerificate Signing Request) to apply for a digital certificate from AppGallery Connect.
Which of the following functions does the HarmonyOS network management module provide?
Regarding the Tabs component and the TabContent component, the following description is correct
When a developer is developing an application, he uses DevEco Studio to create an empty Java project, but does not install Node.js separately, and can still develop the project normally.
The Ark Development Framework of HarmonyOS includes a Web-like development paradigm based on TS extensions and a declarative development paradigm based on JS extensions.
When developing HarmonyOS applications, if the client and server need to communicate across processes, you can use idl to define programming interfaces that are recognized by both.
HarmonyOS not only has the system capability of a single device, but also supportsdeployment on multiple devices with different memory sizes based on the same set of system capabilities.
HarmonyOS is classified according to the size of the device's memory, which of the following categories can be divided into?
When developing a HarmonyOS application, a developer receives the following product request: If a user logs in to the same HarmonyOS account on device A and device B, the user can log in to the app on device A and synchronize the application account authentication information to device B as needed. After the account authentication information is synchronized, the user can open the application on device B and log in directly without entering the application account authentication information again. Which of the following descriptions of this scene is correct?
What types of conversion functions are supported for static animations in HarmonyOS?
The HarmonyOS Media Management module provides capabilities for audio playback, audio recording, audio and video synthesis, and video decoding.
HarmonyOS adopts a multi-core design, which supports the selection of appropriate OS kernels for different resource-constrained devices, and which of the following capabilities does the kernel provide for the operating system?
When a user is on a video call,Want to migrate the mobile phone video to the smart screen for playback,When clicking Migrate,Find that the smart screen is already in theoptional list,What are the correct descriptions of the scene?
There is an application A that occupies a large amount of memory and a background service B on the mobile phone, but there is no binding relationship between the two. What are the following scenarios that may cause Service B to be stopped?
In HarmonyOS, when switching between pages, if you use Ability Switching, it is equivalent to constantly switching new pages in the same window, and if you use AbilitySlice to switch, a new window will pop up.
Which modules in the following figure can be installed and operated independently?
Which of the following properties can be used for components that contain text elements, such as Text, Button, TextInput, etc.?
The KV data model is a SQL-type database whose data is organized, indexed, and stored in the form of key-value pairs.
A developer needs to use the emulator in DevEco Studio, click to log in to the emulator and enter your HUAWEI ID, and the browser will directly jump to the real-name authentication interface. What are the reasons for this problem?
The user and provider of the service card do not require permanent operation, and when it is necessary to add, remove, or request to update the card, the card management service will pull up the card provider to obtain the card information.
When a developer is developing a smart home application, the Switch component will be used to represent the switch of some devices, and ON should be displayed on the ON status component, and 0FF should be displayed on the closed state component. You can use the following code to meet your needs:
Switch btnSwitch=
When a developer compiles a project, the compilation fails, and the message "This device type does not match project profile" is displayed, because the device type configured in "config.json" does not match the device type for debugging, and "deviceType" needs to be configured in the "module" tag.
Mobile terminal devices have penetrated into all aspects of people's daily life, such as checking the weather, news and anecdotes of the city, traveling taxi, travel navigation, and sports records. These accustomed activities are inseparable from locating the location of the user's terminal equipment. What positioning technologies does HarmonyOS's location services subsystem provide?
Which of the following descriptions of traditional Bluetooth operation is correct for HarmonyOS devices?
What services will be automatically activated after a HarmonyOS Cloud development project is created?
If a reading app uses the language recognition capability provided by HarmonyOS, the app can automatically read a novel.
What are the features of Huawei DevEco Studio, which is a multi-device unified development environment?
HarmonyOS provides developers with data management functions, which of the following are the following?
The log content is "01-20 16:08:36.90823597-23597/com.example. myapplicition w00201/MY_TAG: Failed to visit . reason: 503." By analyzing the log, you can't get the following items?
In the HarmonyOS distributed application scenario of multi-device collaboration, device A is often required to start and stop the service of device B, for example, start and stop the music playback of device B on device A. In the process of starting and stopping a Service, the following statement is correct
When developing an application, a developer uses the WLANP2P function to realize point-to-point data transmission between devices. The functionality of the application is as follows: Function 1: Discover the peer device. Function 2: Create and remove groups. Function 3: Initiate a connection to the peer device. Which of the above features is correct in the following descriptions?
When a developer designs a JavaScript login page, he needs to use Internal Ability to call Data Abiliity to verify the username and password, which of the following can be modified to complete the function?
var action=0;
action.bundleName="com.huawei.loginservice"; action.abilityName="com.huawei.loginservice.LoginDataAbility";
action.abilityType=ABILITY_TYPE_EXTERNAL; action.syncOption=ACTION_SYNC;
var result=await
A user migrates video playback from his mobile phone to a smart screen and uses the distributed task scheduling capability of HarmonyOS. Which of the following is the process of connecting the video to the smart screen playback in this scenario?
After developing a HarmonyOS application, the developerneeds to package the application into an app for publishing it to AppGallery. You can use DevEco Studio to generate a key, in what format is the key stored in the keystore file?
A developer has developed a news browsing application, and the news list page is displayed by default when the application is opened, which of the following methods does the developer use to achieve this function?
The developer is developing a ticket booking application, and uses the slide selector Picker to select the starting point of the ticket and writes the following code.
ohos:id="$+id:test_picker" ohos:selected_text_color="#FFFFFF" ohos:value="55" ohos:max_value="10" ohos:selector_item_num="10" ohos:bottom_line_element="#FFFFFF" ohos:selected_text_size="16fp"/>
Which of the following modules provides a full-duplex communication co-ordination?
When a developer develops a HarmonyOS application and uses an intent pass object, which of the following descriptions of intent are correct?
Which of the following items are correctly described about the HarmonyOS distributed database?
When a developer clicks the exit button of an application to release Page Ability resources, which callback method in the Page Ability lifecycle will be triggered?
When a developer is developing an online education application, in order to improve the user experience, if the userAnswer:s the question correctly, a dialog box of "Congratulations on the correctAnswer:" will pop up at the top of the window.
Which modules in the following figure can be installed and operated independently?
The application package name cannot contain some reserved fields, which of the following fields meets the specification?
In the game scene, when playing games on the smart screen, you can use the mobile phone as a remote control handle, and with the help of the mobile phone's gravity sensor, acceleration sensor, and touch ability, it provides players with a more convenient and smooth gaming experience. What distributed capabilities are used to use the mobile phone as a remote control controller in this scenario?
A developer has developed a news browsing application, and the news list page is displayed by default when the application is opened, which of the following methods does the developer use to achieve this function?
When a developer calls Particle Ability (PA) with FA (Feature Ability), callAbility returns the error "Internal ability not register.", what key steps does the developer need to check?
Atomic service is a future-oriented service delivery method provided by HarmonyOS, which of the following statements about atomic service is correct?
In the distributed terminal scenario, only by ensuring that the equipment used by theuser is safe and reliable can the user's data be effectively protected on the virtual terminal and avoid the leakage of user privacy. What does HarmonyOS do to ensure that your devices are reliable?
A HarmonyOSengineer needs to apply for a digital certificate to complete the release of the application, which of the following descriptions of digital certificates is wrong?
Which of the following classes is the base class for JavaScript FA (Feature Ability) to run on HarmonyOS?
If a developer wants to use the notification function of HarmonyOS when developing an application, which of the following notification styles can be selected by the developer?
A HarmonyOS developer created two serial task distributors, dispatchera anddispatcher_b, and also created a proprietary task dispatcher. Which of the following scenarios can cause deadlocks due to improper use of syncDispatch?
The declarative development paradigm based on TS extensions provides a series of basic components, the following code describes the structure of a simple page, read this code, which of the following are built-in components?
Which of the following subsystems in HarmonyOS is part of the basic software servicesubsystem set?
When a developer uses the Text component for development, because the length ofthe input string is too long, which of the following codes can be used to display the entire content?
Which of the following permissions is required when using the Video component to play network videos?
When using HarmonyOS distributed terminals, which of the following items can ensure that the system is safe and reliable?
A developer needs to use the current scattered data network for socket data transmission, and in this scenario, the development process involves the following steps:
1. Use socket to send data
2. Call NetHandle.bindSocket() to bind the network.
3. Call NetManager.getDefaultNet() to get the default data network.
4. Call NetManager.getInstance(Context) to get the instance object of network management.
When the developer combed through the development steps, the above steps were sorted according to the order in which the features were completed in the code. Which of the following is the correct order?
Which of the following is an event method that can obtain the offset of the List slide
ArkTS Stage model supports API Version 9, is it correct about its project directory structure?
Aoh-package.json5 is used to store application-level configuration information, including signatures, product configurations, etc
Bbuild-profile.json5 is used to configure the entry and package name of the third-party package declaration file
Cmodule.json5 contains the configuration information of HAP, the configuration information applied to a specific device, and the global configuration information of the application
Dapp.json5 is used to write application-level compilation and build task scripts
258 DevEco Studio provides an emulator for developers to run and debug HarmonyOS applications/services.
A localemulator is created and runs on the local machine and requires login authorization
BThe local emulator supports functions such as volume adjustment, battery level adjustment, screen rotation, etc
CYou don't need to sign your application/service when you install it on your local emulator
DDevEco Studio will start the compilation build of the application/service, and the application/service will run on the local simulator after completion
259. After installing Lottie through OHPM, in which file will the relevant configuration information be generated?
If a developer wants to use the distributed capabilities of HarmonyOS, which of the following options can the developer choose?
In the collaborative office scenario, project the document on the mobile phone to the smart screen, and perform page turning and zoom operations on the document on the smart screen. What distributed capabilities are used in the preceding scenarios?
What principles of permission should be followed when developing HarmonyOS applications?
When developing a HarmonyOS application, a developer receives the following product request: If a user logs in to the same HarmonyOS account on device A and device B, the user can log in to the app on device A and synchronize the application account authentication information to account B as needed. After the account authentication information is synchronized, the user can open the application on device B and log in directly without entering the application account authentication information again.
Which of the following descriptions of this scene is correct?
In the declarative development paradigm, which of the following rules about the constructor method initializes member variables is wrong?
If a developer uses the startAbility() method provided in Ability to start a Service, what are the correct descriptions of starting the Service?
When I need to create a profile when publishing an application, what type should I choose?
Which of the following options belong to the kernel layer in the HarmonyOS system architecture?
If a developer uses the Text component to develop a UI interface, if the outside of the Text component needs to be left blank, which of the following codes can the developer use?
When a developer uses the distributed task scheduling capability of HarmonyOS, which of the following features can be selected by the developer?
When creating an application, which field in the config.json file must be the same as the application package name?
A developer is writing a piece of code to control the access rights of an Ability
Apps with the ohos.permission.CAMERA permission can access this ability. The relevant code completed by the developer in config.json is as follows:
"abilities": [
"name": ". MainAbility",
"icon" : "$media:hiworld.png",
"label": "HiCamera",
"1aunchType": "standard",
"orientation": "portrait",
"visible": false,______________________________
} ]
Which of the following should the developer add to the horizontal line?
To test the HarmonyOS Bluetooth Low Energy function, a developer uses a central device to call the startScan() interface and scans for a peripheral device. In order for the central device to complete the data exchange with the peripherals, the developer implemented the following development steps.