How quickly does interaction studio synthesize and activate date to gauge and respond to an individual’s in-the-moment intent, across channels?
ETL feeds must follow explicit specifications and requires which type of file format?
Which three components of a server side campaign can be defined by a business user?
In which two locations in the pageType definition can a developer pass in attributes?
Which global templates do you select and customize to provide trending blog recommendations on the homepage?
What two fields can a web developer specify for defining a Content Zone?
Choose 2 answers
Which ETL Feed is used to bring Campaign tracking data from Marketing Cloud messaging & Journeys or Pardot?
A customer receives emails from her favorite brand that are not personalized to her interest. What Marketing Cloud Personalization feature will help improve this customer's experience?
Which two components does a user need to configure in Marketing Cloud Personalization to display Einstein product recommendations via the Marketing Cloud Personalization Connector for Sales and Service Cloud?
What controls how content and product recommendations display in an open time email campaign?
A business user created a segment to track everyone that has looked at the homepage today. How long does it take for a web visitor to join the ….. After viewing the homepage?
What would a marketer include if they want to ensure they display recommendations from more than one category?
A brand wants to do an ad-hoc export of new user-defined attributes, what option would they choose?
Which ETL feed is used to bring campaign tracking data from marketing cloud messaging & journeys or pardot?
What is the salesforce point of view for end to end flow of data for real-time personalization within interaction studio? [Check]
ETL feeds must follow explicit specifications and require which type of file format?
What would a marketer include in a Recipe if they don't want to display recommendations for products priced less than $15?
What are the three primary areas of data stored in IS which represent a company's key business informative?