Consider the following diagram:
What does the diagram express about the relationship between the three processes?
Which of the following phases of the TOGAF ADM correspond most closely to the ArchiMate Motivation Extension?
After a claim is processed, ArchiSurance notifies the claimant with a Claim Letter. Consider the following diagram:
Which of the following answers correctly interprets the diagram?
At ArchiSurance, a Risk Assessment service provided by a Risk Measurement application enables actuaries to assess and mitigate financial risks as part of the Enterprise Risk Management process.
Which combination of relationships, when added to this diagram, would best represent this situation?
Consider the following diagram:
Which of the following best describes what this diagram represents?
Which of the following best describes the relationship between TOGAF and ArchiMate?
The Document Archiving application relies on an archiving service, which it accesses through a reliable queuing interface.
Which relationship would most accurately describe this situation?
Consider the following statements:
1. An application component is a self-contained unit of functionality.
2. An application component may perform one or more application functions.
3. The name of an application component should preferably be a noun.
Which of the following answers regarding the statement is correct?
The following diagram uses ArchiMate Motivation Extension concepts. The concepts at the bottom of the diagram fulfill the concept at the top of the diagram.
What is the correct relationship between the bottom concepts and the top concept to show this situation?