Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following diagram fragment:
What is the signature of the class template List?
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What two protocol state machine interpretations can be defined?
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Consider the following diagrams:
When this behavior is executed, which event will occur last?
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Consider the following profile:
Which statement is true?
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A behavior A is specified by an Activity. A specialized version B of the behavior shall also be specified
Which is a correct approach to model that scenario?
Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following diagram fragment:
Which statement is correct about the diagram fragment?
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Where does UML explicitly intend String Expression elements to be used?
Choose the correct answer: Which construct specifies all possible valid traces?
Choose the correct answer:
What is the difference between a ValueSpecificattonActlon and a CreateObjectAction?
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Consider the following modeling scenario:
Which statement is correct about the modeling scenario?
Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following sequence diagram:
What does "critical" refer to?
Choose the correct answer:
What is true about the use of a Template Classifier to specify the Type of a Typed Element?
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Which statement is correct about the compiled model resulting from Alt text?
Choose the correct answer:
Which class sits at the top of the MOF class hierarchy?
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What does the UML specification say about choosing between a MOF-based metamodel and a UML profile?
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What does a lower multiplicity of one for an end of an n-ary Association imply?