Which of these are typically included in the Definition of Workflow policies?
(Choose the best six answers)
What is the best use for the Work Item Aging metric?
(Choose the best two answers)
Upon which of the five Scrum Values does Professional Scrum with Kanban build?
(choose the best three answers)
In which of these situations should the Scrum Team adjust their Work in Progress (WIP) Limits?
Which of these statements about Sprints and Kanban is NOT correct?
(choose the best answer)
What does it mean when a Scrum Team chooses to communicate an 85% 5-day service level expectation (SLE)?
Which of the following are lagging indicator metrics?
(choose the best three answers)
Who must change the Work in Progress (WIP) Limits in the Definition of Workflow when urgent
work emerges from the Sprint?
(choose the best answer)
Which of these is NOT a good description of Cycle Time?
(choose the best answer)
Which of the following metrics are likely to be reviewed during flow-based Daily Scrum?
(choose the best two answers)
What is the flow metric used to forecast how many items will be done for a date?
True or False: Work Item Age is a leading indicator for the length of the Scrum Team's
feedback loop for that (in progress) item.
True or False: Limiting Work in Progress (WIP) will likely reduce the amount of collaboration in
the Scrum Team.
You still need a Scrum Master when applying Kanban practices in the Scrum framework.
(choose the best answer)
Who is in the best position to decide if Kanban may be a valuable complementary practice for a Scrum Team?
(choose the best answer)
A Service Level Expectation (SLE) forecast is a calculation about the future completion of an item that includes two things. What are those two things?
(Choose the best two answers)